What does MDEI mean to me?

"MDEI meant reflection, an adventure and confirmation that really smart people prefer iteration to perfection."

- Amanda Margison, CBC Journalist, 2014

"MDEI is a degree that provided me with a unique post-secondary experience."

- Kelly Ward, Brand Supervisor, Foodland Ontario, 2014

"MDEI allowed me to explore the potential of and test the boundaries of new technology."

- Scott McManus, Multimedia Coordinator, Institute for Quantum Computing, 2012

"It was the credential that jump started my career."

- Sarah Barran, UI Artist, Glu Mobile, 2012

"MDEI is a degree that helped me explore the application of digital platforms and content and build skills in social marketing, user experience, community management and brand building."

- Laura Thurston, Content Developer & Web Marketing, 2012

"MDEI meant upgrading and integrating existing skills to apply to a more digital future."

- Stephanie Dodge, Digital Communications Manager, Canadian Education Association, 2012