Message from the Safety Office
The Safety Office provides consultation and support services to the University community on matters relating to environmental and occupational health and safety. As the University of Waterloo will conduct in person classes for Fall 2021, there are several things to keep in mind:
A face mask is required in all public spaces on campus. This might change in the coming month; we are planning for mask wearing when 2m distancing can’t occur to continue at this point.
A daily self-assessment is required for anyone on campus. Emails will be sent when people connect to the Wi-Fi or can be accessed at: UWaterloo: Self-assessment.
If you would like to conduct group gathering, keep in mind that the current Ontario guidelines are 10 people outdoors, and this will change to 25 people once we reach Step 2.
There are some restrictions in terms of the entrance door and hallway, such as the “Entrance Only” door or “One way” hallway. Please review this page before you come to the campus: Waterloo Campus: Building and Services.
You might need to complete some specific mandatory training depending on your role at the University of Waterloo. The Safety Office is the primary resource for health and safety training for staff, faculty, and students. You can find out more information about this at Safety Office: Training.
If you have any concerns over the safety issues, please don’t hesitate to contact the Safety Office by calling 519 888 4567 Ext. 33587 or Emailing
Message from Accessibility Services
The University of Waterloo is committed to achieving barrier free accessibility for persons with disabilities studying, visiting and/or working at Waterloo. The Accessibility Services made some suggestions to the incoming new students who requires the accessibility services:
Use the Student Technology Lab: Located at 1401 Needles Hall, the Student Technology Lab offers a variety of assistive software and hardware for students.
The Adaptive equipment loan program provides take-home equipment that ensures students with special needs can study anywhere. Even if students are not on campus or they do not have the correct assistive equipment off campus, this option is still available to them.
Worried about note taking? Not sure what note-taking app to use? Check out the Microsoft OneNote and Word: OneNote not only offers note taking, but also audio recording. What makes it special is that the notes are easily organized, and the audio recording is paired with the notes you take. Furthermore, the notes will be synchronized to OneDrive, and can be accessed anywhere, on almost any device. Accessibility Services is promoting taking notes on OneDrive since it is highly connected and organized, it creates accessibility for everyone at the university.
If you have any other questions regarding the Accessibility Services, please visit come to 1401 Needles Hall for a visit, you can also call 519-888-4567, ext. 45231 or 47922 or email: You are always welcomed by the UWaterloo Accessibility Service.