Spring 2018

  • Critical media lab logo

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    Spring 2018

    The Critical Media Lab

    Faculty Spotlight: Marcel O'Gorman

    Have you ever wondered “Why and how does technology play such a powerful role in our lives?” As an English Professor, Marcel O’Gorman believes that close reading and careful writing are necessary to answer this question. Through his position as founder and Director of The Critical Media Lab, his mission is to explore the impact of technology on society and the human condition.

    Category: Feature Spring 2018
  • mind map of how to study more effectively

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    Spring 2018

    Apps and web browser extensions to help students study more efficiently

    Using technology effectively

    For students, exam season seems to be the most unfavorable season out of the entire year. Unfortunately, despite our efforts to create one, there really isn’t a secret formula to study more effectively. Staying focussed and keeping yourself organized throughout the term, are the two main keys to sustain a healthy study habit. Here are two apps and web browser extensions that can help you stay focussed, study better and get through the term.

    Category: Spring 2018 Feature
  • Example of Augmented reality through a mobile device

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    Spring 2018

    Augmented Reality

    "What could possibly be next?" is a question that people find themselves asking when a new innovative technology emerges. Augmented Reality is the next step to a future of easy living where developers are finding more and more uses each day. The phenomenon of Augmented Reality allows users to manipulate reality by bringing components of the digital world, into the real world.

    Category: Spring 2018 Feature
  • electronic devices connected to internet

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    Spring 2018

    Internet of Things

    The question is no longer “what is connected”, but instead “what isn’t”.

    Cellphones. Computers. Smart fridges. Televisions. Car. GPS. What do all these devices have in common? It’s simple, they all connect to the internet, collect and share data. Billions of devices are connected to the internet daily, where the number will increase over the next few years as more devices become part of the Internet of Things.

    Category: Spring 2018 Feature
  • JIBO robot

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    Spring 2018

    JIBO Robot

    The new face of social intelligence

    JIBO is the world’s first social robot at home. You can experience the use of JIBO while he experiences the world and reacts, like a human would.

    Category: Spring 2018 Feature
  • Livescribe Smartpen echo 3 on a faded background

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    Spring 2018

    Livescribe Smartpen

    The pen will always be mightier than the keyboard

    Notebooks are a great way of documenting lessons and for summarizing readings. But for some students, they prefer an electronic version of their notes. What if there was a way to have both, paper and electronic copy, in one go? Or have your notes read aloud for you? Capture it. Replay it. Send it. With Livescribe Smartpens, you can turn your words into action.

    Category: Spring 2018 Feature
  • navy blue connected dots background

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    Spring 2018

    Personal Digital Assistants

    A speaker and a digital personal assistant, so you won't miss another deadline

    In the midst of the 21st century, technology has become such a powerful tool that changes the way we live. Whether it is through transportation, communication, education, or healthcare, technology is a means to make our daily lives easier. Since Apple introduced Siri, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) smart assistant, companies in the technology sector have been releasing their own take on AI Personal Digital Assistants. Amazon's latest technology, the Amazon Echo, has Alexa as the newest AI taking the technology industry by storm!

    Category: Spring 2018 Feature
  • Ransomware

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    Spring 2018


    Holding your computer hostage

    Phishing spam can be difficult to avoid when fake emails and websites are created to mimic what is real. Don’t fret if you have already been attacked by malware, but most importantly, don’t pay the ransom. Being aware and prepared will help protect you from being a target of ransomware.

    Category: Spring 2018 Feature
  • world flags

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    Spring 2018

    Real Time Translating Device

    For students who wish to immerse themselves in a new culture and experience a different education system, would benefit from studying abroad. However, learning a new language can be difficult and can take a long time to be fluent. But with real-time translating devices, students can now translate and ask “Where can I find the library?” without having to flip through a dictionary.

    Category: Spring 2018 Feature