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Faculty of Environment

About the Faculty of Environment

Computing Facilities
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The Mapping, Analysis & Design (MAD) Group manages seven specialized computing labs that support teaching and research in Environmental Studies. Students and researchers have access to software for applications from basic word-processing and spreadsheet use through to the use of the Internet for email and World Wide Web browsing, and to highly specialized and high-end computing in geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing (RS), computer assisted design (CAD) and computer graphics in two and three dimensions. Three computing platforms are supported, namely UNIX, Windows and Macintosh, each running off subnetworks from three Faculty servers. Students have access to basic and advanced computing equipment and operating systems, as required by their studies. A help desk is available during normal working hours. An electronic help desk is available on a 24 hour basis. Computing services are managed by four full-time staff and two part-time staff, each an expert in a specific area of computing.

In addition to computing support and management, MAD has a Cartographic Centre for production of computer-assisted high quality cartography by a full-time professional Cartographer. MAD also manages darkrooms for photographic printing, a studio for still photographic production, digital sound and video production equipment (including digital video editing and a well equipped sound room), slide scanning and digital image rendering facilities. All photographic darkroom equipment is available to students for course and project use. Camera and equipment rental is also available. The photographic and digital video/sound facilities and equipment are managed by two full-time staff members.

More information about the MAD group resources and staff is available at the following web site:

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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