Accounting Alumni Award for Excellence in Accounting
One gold medal is awarded annually, usually in October, to the student graduating from the Master of Accounting program who has the highest marks in all required and elective accounting courses. The gold medal is valued at approximately $900, and is made available through donations from Accounting alumni. Selection is made by the Admissions Policy and Reviewing Committee of the School of Accountancy each Fall.
Value: Gold medal
Alumni Gold Medals for PhD and Master’s Graduates
One medal for outstanding academic performance on completion of a Master’s program and one medal for completion of a PhD program will be awarded at the Fall convocation. Students who graduated at the previous Spring convocation are also eligible. A minimum 89% average is required.
GSO Deadline: September 8
Award of Excellence in Graduate Supervision
The GSO, in collaboration with the GSA has established this award to recognize exemplary faculty members who have demonstrated excellence in graduate student supervision. A maximum of three faculty members will be recognized each year. This honor will be offered once. Graduate student supervision requires complex interaction between graduate students and the graduate supervisor. An outstanding graduate supervisor is a mentor, an advisor, a role model, a humanist and a strategist. A caring and effective supervisor possesses a high level of energy and ingenuity.
Value: Recipients will be honoured with $1,000 and a plaque.
GSO Deadline: June 16
Exceptional Teaching by a Student Award
Open to all registered students who have a formal teaching role at the university. The awards are based on nominations by their students and faculty supervisors. Among the criteria considered are intellectual vigour and communication skills in the interpretation and presentation of subject matters. Concern for and sensitivity to the academic need of the students is an important criterion. The selection committee will normally make four awards each year. For applications and further information contact TRACE at ext. 3132 or the Graduate Studies Office (GSO).
Value: Recipients will receive acknowledgement at convocation when they graduate, as well as a certificate and a cheque for $500.
Deadline: 2nd Friday in February
Governor General’s Gold Medal
One Governor General’s Gold Medal will be awarded at Spring Convocation and the GSO would like to receive one nomination from each faculty. The medal will be awarded to a master’s or doctoral student. A minimum 90% average is required.
GSO Deadline: April 13
Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Studies Designation (Master’s and Doctoral)
Each year nominees of the Alumni gold Medal and Governor General’s Gold Medal are considered for a designation of “Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Studies - Master’s or Doctoralâ€. A maximum of one medal winner and five outstanding achievement designations (one for each Faculty) may be awarded in any one year at each of the Master’s and PhD levels. Students are nominated by their departments. The nominations are evaluated at the Faculty level and are forwarded to the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and the Advisory Committee on Graduate Scholarships and Awards who make the final selection.
GSO Deadline: September 8