Catherine Dong's M4 Groundbreaking speech
At the end of October, we celebrated the groundbreaking for Mathematics 4–the first new math building in over a decade and the fourth in the Faculty’s fifty-eight-year history. At the event, Catherine Dong, an undergraduate student in mathematics, delivered a stirring speech. She reflected on what makes the Faculty of Mathematics experience unique. She observed that our community, united by a shared appreciation for math’s beauty, creates “magic” together. Yet, to sustain this magic, we need “spaces for students to grow, not just as students but as people.” Read her full speech.
Every building, classroom and hallway is here because somebody knew what it could be one day, and they fought tooth and nail to make it happen.
Green computing advances
Martin Karsten, a professor in the Cheriton School of Computer Science, recently made headlines by showing how the energy use of some data centres can be reduced by as much as 30 per cent. Karsten is a member of the Systems and Networking Group, which will have a lab in Mathematics 4. He is also a principal researcher for the building’s green server room, aka the Green Room, which will accelerate research into sustainable computing.
We all have a part to play in building a greener future
Photos from the construction site
Since the groundbreaking, the builders have been hard at work. The first big change was the demolition of the bridges connecting MC and DC and MC and M3.
How you can help
If you’d like to make a gift to unlock the future of mathematics, please visit our M4 giving page.