Welcome to Professor Zemskova's Page!
Contact: barbara.zemskova@uwaterloo.ca Office: MC 6421 (by appointment)
Research interests: computational fluid dynamics, ocean turbulent processes, ocean biogeochemistry, machine learning
I am currently actively looking for students to join my research group!
If you are intersted in working on topics related to ocean dynamics and climate change using computational and data science techniques, please reach out! Check out Research Topics page for examples of potential research projects!
- Prospective Master's, PhD students
- Application information, requirements, and deadlines: Master's program, PhD program
- There are 3 application deadline cycles: January 15, 2025 (start in September 2025), June 1, 2025 (start in January 2026), October 1, 2025 (start in May 2026)
- Program descriptions: Master's program, PhD program
- Undergraduate students:
- You can get paid for your research experience and apply it as your co-op term
- Contact me so that we can plan your project and apply for funding, if necessary
- Undergraduate Research Award (USRA) for citizens/permanent residents; Mathematics Undergraduate Research Award (MURA) for all students