Jim Bookbinder is a Professor in the Department of Management Science and Engineering at the University of Waterloo. His research interests are: Supply Chain Management, Operations Research, Logistics, Optimization, Freight Transportation, Shipment Consolidation, Distribution, and Inventory Management. He has been teaching for more than 20 years and consulting in industry for 10 years. Professor Bookbinder has a special interest in direct collaboration with industrial practitioners. As the director of WATMIMS, a research group housed in the Department of Management Sciences, he has conducted applied research specializing in the areas of supply chain management, logistics and manufacturing. Some areas in which WATMIMS has held workshops, seminars, or luncheons include:
* Supply Chain Management
* NAFTA Logistics
* Just-In-Time
* Computer Integrated Manufacturing
* Robust Planning and Scheduling
* Agile Manufacturing
A refereed book (a solely-edited volume) was published in 2013.
J.H. Bookbinder (Ed.) Handbook of Global Logistics:
Transportation in International Supply Chains.
New York: Springer, 2013 (550 book pages).