
Author [ Title(Desc)] Type Year
"Digital/Critical". (2006). International Digital Media and Arts Association, Miami University, Ohio.
"Dreadmill". (2008). Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 16(4-5). 2008.
"Fast, Expensive and Way Out of Control: Filmic Discourse in the E-Classroom". (2000). Transnational Cinema and Cultural Identity, University of Southern Mississippi.
"Friedrich Kittler's Media Scenes-An Instruction Manual". (1999). Postmodern Culture, international journal of interdisciplinary thought on contemporary cultures. Fall 1999.
"From Hypertext Theory to Applied Media Theory". (2009). 09 Annual Conference, Université de Paris 8.
"From Hypertext Theory to Applied Media Theory". (2009). In Hypertexte et hypermédia: products, outils,et méthodes. Editions Hermes.
Amerika, M. (Ed.). (2007). "From Mystorian to Curmudgeon: Skulking Toward Finitude". In The Illogic of Sense. Alt X Press.
O'Gorman, M. , & Rice, J. (Eds.). (2008). "Getting Schooled: Introduction to the Florida School". In New Media/New Methods. Parlor Press.
"HYPERICONOMY: A De-Vise for Cognition and Scholarship". (1998). Conference of the Society for Literature and Science.
"Hypertext in the Academy: Democratizing Power or Tool for Anarchic Machinations?". (1995). Machinations: Technology and Culture in North America.
"Imitating Machines: Humanities Research for a Culture of Data". (2008). Technology and Culture. February 2008.
"Picturing the Canon in the Electronic Age". (1998). Romantic Circles. Fall 1998.
"Play for your Life: Mobile Gaming, Physical Health, and Environmental Immersion". (2009). Immersive Worlds Conference, Brock University.
"’The Eye altering, alters all’: De-othering the Picture in the Electronic Classroom". (1997). North American Society for the Study of Romanticism.
Broglio, R. , & Young, F. (Eds.). (2015). "Speculative Realism in Chains: A Love Story". In Being Human: Between Animals and Machines. Taylor and Francis.
"Swimming to Oblivion: Genetics, Bioengineering and the Human Condition". (2006). Technology and Culture. January 2006.
"Systems of Control: Navigating Academic Authority in the Digital Age". (2001). Convention of the Modern Language Association.
"Taking Care of Digital Dementia”. (2015). Ctheory, international journal of theory, technology, and culture. February 2015.
"Teaching Critical Game Design: Three Approaches". (2006). Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, York University.
"Technology, Immortality, and Existential Dread". (2008). European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts.
