Dr. Satyam Panchal is currently an adjunct assistant professor in Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Department at The University of Waterloo. He has MS, Ph.D., and Postdoc in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in “Lithium-ion battery for Electric Vehicle (EV) and Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV)”. During his research, he wored on a project supported by “Transport Canada”. He has more than 15 years of experience on battery testing and modeling and published 75 refereed articles in highly reputable international journals (Elsevier). He was also the recipient of multiple awards, David Johnston Governor general graduate award, James and Elise Deveitt award, Walter Metzger Memorial Award, Ontario Graduate Scholarship, and President’s Graduate Scholarship. He is a member of Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) in Canada since 2016.
His research area: Electric vehicle, Lithium-ion battery, Hydrogen fuel cell, Thermodynamics, Heat transfer; Energy conversion; Energy storage Various battery related models such as battery electrochemical models, battery thermal models, battery heat generation models, battery aging models (cycle and calendar aging), battery computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models, one dimensional and three dimensional (1D and 3D) thermal runaway (TR) model, machine learning (ML) model, 1D and 3D busbar resistance models, coolant channel optimization, hysteresis modeling, cell swelling modeling, Lithium plating modeling, equivalent circuit modeling (ECM), useable energy model, 1D and 3D pack thermal model, short circuit simulation, battery management system (BMS) related modeling, extended single particle (ESPM) model, phase change materials (PCM), neural network (ANN), and EV and HEV modeling.