Emanuel Carvalho is the Faculty of Arts. Not because he’s an Arts grad, faculty member and senior administrator. Not because he’s an inspirational professor and amazing teacher. Not because he develops wildly popular and unique curriculum. And not because he’s a champion of experiential education.
It’s because he’s da bomb!
There are few people who have had a more varied and effective impact on the teaching mission of the University of Waterloo. Professor Carvalho has demonstrated a consistent record of outstanding teaching performance, sharing his depth of knowledge of economics, and encouraging and inspiring students to reach their highest potential.
Students love him because he’s cool, smart, and funny. Moreover, he genuinely cares. Many of his former students attribute their success to him. Brian Lipskie, BA ’85, President and Chief Operating Officer, The RaeLipskie Partnership in Waterloo, wrote:
“Emanuel inspired me to complete my co-op economics degree which was an integral part of my career success.”
Curwin Friesen, BA ’93 Economics, CEO of GVE Inc. in Manitoba, Chair of the Board of Friesens Corporation, Board member of Manitoba Blue Cross, and a Board member of two successful software start-ups in Winnipeg, commented that “few alumni are richly blessed by the opportunity to serve the University with one of their favourite undergrad professors. I am. Emanuel inspired me early on in my studies and deftly used his booming voice, dry wit, and clear and concise teaching methods to make economics come to life. My career success has its nexus in the classroom teaching and mentoring Emanuel provided.”
Earlier this year, Emanuel was honoured for his service to the Faculty of Arts with a 2018 Arts Award for Excellence in Service. Sheila Ager, professor of classical studies, has known Emanuel for many years, and worked closely with him on Arts and University-wide initiatives. Nominating him for the Arts Award, Sheila wrote:
“Emanuel has served as an Arts Associate Dean since 2000 (that’s longer than anyone else in the history of the Faculty), and prior to that supported the mission of his home department of Economics as well as that of the Faculty of Arts through his work as Undergraduate Officer.”
“With Emanuel, it has always been about service, and never self-service.”
Left to right: Emanuel, Vanessa Richter, BA ’10, Liberal Studies, Dean Doug Peers, Jud Whiteside, BA ’70, Political Science, at the 2014 Alumni Achievement Awards dinner.
“The success of the Arts and Business Co-op program, one of the Faculty’s strongest intake programs, was Emanuel’s work, as was the Global Business and Digital Arts program,” continues Sheila. “Arts online learning and Co-op programs in general have benefited from Emanuel’s oversight. Furthermore, no matter how many service tasks end up on his desk, Emanuel has always insisted on teaching a large section of ECON 101 every year — to outstanding reviews from the students. [...] I am sure you can tell that my nomination is heartfelt and enthusiastic. I literally cannot think of anyone more deserving of this award.”
Karl Bennett, professor emeritus, who worked closely with Emanuel in the Department of Economics, said, “Manny has great success in the classroom, and was an early recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award. It’s hard to say what I admire most about him. He is dependable and calm. Always willing to help.”
Robert Kerton, adjunct professor, distinguished professor emeritus of economics and former dean of arts, who hired Emanuel in the mid 70s, recently reflected on his impact: “Students worship him. His colleagues admire his selfless attentive, solution-oriented service. Even the most challenging things ran smoothly when he was in charge.”
Dean Doug Peers could not resist saying something cheeky about his trusted colleague: “I was happy to stand in the shadow of the tallest freestanding Associate Dean of Arts in more ways than one.”
Emanuel’s biggest fans, however, are his students. Here are just a few of their comments:
“Patient, understanding and brings comedic relief to the study of economics.”
“Absolutely brilliant. Last class today and everyone clapped for him. He has a sassiness to him that makes coming to class fun.”
“He’s hilarious and just totally cool! Easy-going and knows what he’s doing.”
“I was dreading having to take econ for my program, but I loved it so much with Carvalho.”
“He is amazing. I love econ because of him.”
“Carvalho is da bomb!”
We invite alumni, friends and colleagues to join us in honouring the outstanding contributions of Professor Carvalho by establishing the Emanuel Carvalho Scholarship in Arts and Business. The new award will support upper year students by providing funding at a critical point in their education, motivating them to succeed both academically and in service to their community.
How did Professor Carvalho influence your career? Share your story: artsadv@uwaterloo.ca
For more information, please contact Arts Advancement: Tel. 519-888-4567 ext. 38514 | Email artsadv@uwaterloo.ca