Fall 2018

  • An image of the entrance to Amazon Go

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    Fall 2018

    Amazon's Futuristic Technologies

    You have probably watched a movie, or a TV show, or read a book where the plot was related to technology taking over the world. You might have thought this was just a product of someone’s imagination, but it may be closer to reality than you think. Amazon, which originally seemed like a bookstore, is really a technology company and may be taking over Earth as we know it with their cutting-edge technology.

  • A robot and a man holding hands

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    Fall 2018

    Artificial Intelligence

    Future and Fears

    We are all going to die. Knowing this, there are many theories as to what will bring up our inevitable demise. One of these theories is robots taking over the world. Artificial intelligence scares are not a new thing. However, as it continues to improve, these scares are not unjustified.

  • A labelled map of the University of Waterloo main campus

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    Fall 2018

    Everything you Need to Know about the University of Waterloo Campus Map

    Did you know that the University of Waterloo's main campus is 1,000 acres of land? No wonder why it can be difficult to locate specific rooms and buildings on campus. With the University of Waterloo Campus Map navigation is be one less thing to worry about.

  • A photo of six smartphones of various brands lying face down in two rows on a green surface

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    Fall 2018

    How to Free Yourself from Smartphone Slavery

    In modern society, phones have become like a third arm. They can be very useful and entertaining, but for many people, phones are draining away precious time for necessary things. If you find that your phone is keeping from completing the tasks you need to accomplish, this is the article for you. Included are several tips to help you have a healthier relationship with your phone and potentially save you from endlessly scrolling through Instagram when you should be studying for finals.

  • An image of several computers screens with locks and chains around them

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    Fall 2018

    Internet Anonymity

    Understanding VPN and Tor

    Amidst the recent scandal with Cambridge Analytica and the relentless barrage of privacy policy updates, we are reminded of just how vulnerable we are on the internet. It truly is frightening how exposed we are on the internet, but some level of anonymity is possible. As our lives are becoming dependent on the internet, it is important to take some precautions with our privacy.

  • Jessica's Thompson Should We Stay, Should We Go art piece

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    Fall 2018

    Professor spotlight: Jessica Thompson

    Have you ever heard of a bike that generates laughter as it is being pedaled? Or a suitcase that generates the sound of house sparrows when it is moved? Read about the the amazing art pieces professor Jessica Thompson has created.

  • Diagram of how to log into two-factor authentication using a password and using a fingerprint login

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    Fall 2018

    Two-Factor Authentication

    An extra layer of security for your university accounts

    Have you ever wondered “If only there was a way to ensure no one had access to my accounts?” Two-factor authentication adds an an extra layer of security to your University accounts which allows you to verify your identity using a second cellular device which prevents others from accessing your accounts, even if they know your password. If you would like to make your University accounts more secure, Two-Factor Authentication is for you!
