Portable file storage for school

Take What you Need With you Everywhere

If you are a student looking to back up your files or move them around, you have a few options. You could use a cloud storage solution such as Dropbox or Microsoft Skydrive, but you have to rely on there being an Internet connection available. Also, these services only give you a limited amount of free space. If you have a lot of files or are concerned about the privacy implications of storing your files remotely, Universal Serial Bus's (USB) and portable hard drives may be a better solution for you.

Unversial Serial Bus (USB)

Universal Serial Bus (USB)USB drives come in many shapes, sizes, and prices. However they all have some basic characteristics. Essentially, USB drives consist of “flash” memory that doesn’t have moving parts. USB sticks are small and, with recent development in technology, can now hold a lot of information.

USB sticks come in various sizes. For example, you can get 8GB, 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB USB sticks. USB sticks are also relatively durable and easy to transport, due to a lack of moving parts. Some USB sticks also support the USB3 specification, allowing for quicker file transfers if your computer has a compatible USB3 port.

Some of the things to look for in a USB stick are:

  1. Size: all USB drives are small but some are smaller than others
  2. Available Storage Space: the more storage a USB drive provides, the higher the price tag
  3. Additional features: some USB drives come with additional features, such as encryption software

There are too many brands available to make specific recommendations, but some brands to consider include Corsair, Patriot, and Lexar.



  1. Smaller than portable hard drives
  2. Easy to put onto a keychain, etc.


  1. Easier to lose than portable hard drives
  2. May not have as many features as a portable hard drive
  3. Less storage available versus a portable hard drive

Portable/External Hard Drives

External hard driveIt’s also possible to purchase hard drives that come in a small portable form factor. “Portable” hard drives consist of a normal 2.5” laptop hard drive that is inside some sort of enclosure. Normally, portable hard drives are small enough that they can be powered via a USB cable, though some have a separate power cable. Portable hard drives have much more storage space than USB drives, and are great for users with large projects or files. However, portable hard drives currently max out at around 1TB for storage. If you need even more space, consider an External hard drive.

Larger “External” hard drives are also available, which have bigger 3.5” drives. External drives have storage capacity up to 4TB.

Both portable and external hard drives may come with USB3 support, which supports faster transfer speeds if your computer supports it.

Portable and External hard drives are available from common hard drive manufacturers, such as Western Digital and Seagate, and are sold in many of the places where you can purchase computers.



  1. More storage than a USB stick
  2. Easy to use with backup services such as Time Machine on Apple computers.


  1. Larger than USB sticks
  2. Less durable than USB sticks
  3. More expensive than USB sticks 

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[i] [Portable storage device]. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://fthmb.tqn.com/bcWEFn7eFJkNKBRmVQCFTMoOHBs=/2003x1497/filters:no_upscale():fill(FFCC00,1)/about/flash-drive-58a36fe45f9b58819c41f0f6.jpg