What is WatIAM?

Waterloo Identity and Access Management (WatIAM) accounts are the credentials that you will use throughout your education at University of Waterloo for various uWaterloo systems. The credentials consist of a userid (not your student id number) and password.

How is your userid generated?

You will be informed of your WatIAM userid upon acceptance to the uWaterloo. A WatIAM userid is a generated combination of your initials, possibly numbers, and your surname.[i]

So what are WatIAM credentials used for?

Your WatIAM credentials will grant you access to uWaterloo services such as LEARNSharePoint, Nexus, Quest, and more!

Wait, what do those services do?

LEARN allows you to view all your course information online. You will have online access to each course’s syllabus (if the prof posts it online), grades, course material and more! It’s a great way to keep track of course work to be done in the future and to stay organized throughout the term.

SharePoint is a secure place to store, share, organize and access information from almost any device.

Nexus is the main computing network for students across campus on any lab computer. Students at uWaterloo can log on to their NEXUS account using their WatIAM userid and password. Check out this site on Nexus and email login issues. This is a helpful site to visit if you ever come across any problems with Nexus

Quest will be where you will have access to all your personal information such as unofficial transcripts, and where you will request courses for upcoming terms, check enrollment status, pay tuition and more!

Who has WatIAM credentials?

Current undergraduate students, current graduate students, staff, and faculty are all assigned WatIAM credentials.[iii]

Common WatIAM questions

I forgot my password and the answers to the authentication questions!

When activating your WatIAM account, you will be prompted to create security questions for extra security measures. If you forget both your password and answers to the security questions, you will need to contact helpdesk@uwaterloo.ca and ask for your WatIAM account to be deactivated. The reason why your account needs to be deactivated is because your WatIAM password cannot be emailed to you. Once your account has been deactivated, you will then be able to  activate your account at the WatIAM site, choose a password, and set at least three security questions. So make sure to keep track of your passwords!

I tried reactivating my account, but WatIAM said that my account has already been activated!

There are two possible solutions to this problem:

  • Try closing your browser window and then try reactivating your WatIAM account again
  • Make sure that your birthday is entered in this format with the slashes: MM/DD/YYYY (07/22/2015 is July 22, 2015)

I know what WatIAM is, but what is a WatCard?

Upon your acceptance to UWaterloo, you will receive a WatCard which is a physical card (same size as your average credit card) that contains your full name, a picture or yourself (a head shot), student ID, Faculty, your status and the expiration date.

What is the WatCard for?

Your WatCard can have funds added to it that can be used for food services, printing services (uPrint), gym membership, and transportation. Your WatCard also acts as a GRT bus pass for public transit throughout Waterloo Region. Before your WatCard expiration date, you’ll never have to worry about carrying around those pesky paper tickets and spare change for the bus! It can also be used at any food service and retail services outlet on campus!

How do I get my WatCard?

To get your WatCard, simply stop by the WatCard office with:

  • a piece of government issued photo ID (driver’s licence, passport, etc.)
  • your uWaterloo student ID number (have it written on any piece of paper or record it in your phone)

The staff at the WatCard office will gladly set up your card for you!

Lost your Card?

Go to the WatCard web site**link here to the Watcard page to deactivate a card to deactivate your card, or head over to the Turnkey Desk in the SLC. If you find your card, head over to the WatCard office and your card will be reactivated for free. However, if your card is still lost, bring photo ID to the WatCard office and a new card will be assigned to you for a free of $20.00.[iv]

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[i] “WatIAM.” Information Systems & Technology. University of Waterloo. Web. June 1. 2015. < https://uwaterloo.ca/information-systems-technology/services/watiam>

[ii] “Nexus and email login issues.” Arts Computing Office. University of Waterloo. Web. July 27. 2015. <https://uwaterloo.ca/arts-computing/services/nexus-and-email-login-issues>

[iii] “WatIAM credentials.” Information Systems & Technology. University of Waterloo. Web. June 1. 2015. < https://uwaterloo.ca/information-systems-technology/services/watiam/watiam-credentials>

[iv] “WatCard.” WatCard. University of Waterloo. Web. June 1. 2015. http://www.watcard.uwaterloo.ca/

[v] [Waterloo]. (n.d). Retrieved from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/ba/University_of_Waterloo_Nano_Building.jpg