As museum tour guides, Brubacher House hosts have enjoyed sharing stories of the museum’s intriguing collection with thousands of curious visitors over the years. Here are some highlights of the tour, from the perspectives of those who know it best!
Brandon: “I like the large open fireplaces and the cooking techniques associated with them.”
- Bethany and Brandon Leis (2006-2009)
“The main kitchen area, with large hearth, dry sink, bell. The story of Magdalena Brubacher having emergency surgery on the kitchen table (and later dying of complications) also made for a dramatic reference.”
- Arlyn and Judith Friesen Epp (1994-2000)
Josh: “The kitchen, and in particular, the dry sink. I find that everyone has an idea of what a kitchen is and people are always able to find something relatable in that room. The dry sink then reminds them of how different life would have been without everyday conveniences like running water, and gets guests really thinking about the stories of everyday life and how it would have been both different and similar to life today.”
- Laura and Joshua Enns (2017-present)
“The kitchen - it was easiest to compare 'then and now' in a space with such obvious differences in tools and appliances.”
- Colin and Jennie Wiebe (2000-2004)
Laura: “I always enjoy taking people through the pantry. I find that the various tools spark people’s memories or imaginations, and rather than sharing a scripted narrative, I’m able to ask questions and get people more engaged. I also find that people from all different cultural backgrounds are able to find something that they relate to. Everyone loves food!”
- Laura and Joshua Enns (2017-present)
Karl: “The meat grinder in the pantry, specifically because of a hilarious/maybe a bit gruesome story a friend’s grandma told us when she saw it. (we’ll spare you the details!)”
- Jacquie and Karl Reimer (2013-2017)
“We can’t decide. Some highlights were: The mini iron, the baby sippy cup made of lead, the angled mirror (to promote modesty), the dresser with dove tail drawers, the dry sink, the practicality of the hooks all around the main floor. It was always fun to be able to surprise someone walking by on the road by ringing the bell!”
- Chris Steingart and Jillian Burkhardt (2004-2006)
Jacquie: “The hooks on the walls; I always ended the tour by telling guests the hooks, while practical, were also a sign of welcoming and there was always space for them to ‘hang their hat’ and stop by again.”
- Jacquie and Karl Reimer (2013-2017)
“I think the grandfather clock was the favourite. I believe it was the oldest one and its migration story was really interesting.” - Allison and Mark Brubacher (2009-2013)
Bethany: “I love the parlour with its “wall-to-wall carpeting”. It also contains the grandfather clock as well as books and photos. The lead sippy cup and mini iron were also some intriguing items.” - Bethany and Brandon Leis (2006-2009)