Contributions to The Entangler

Articles and stories to be published in our alumni newsletter, The Entangler, are always welcome!
Please complete the form below to make a contribution to our publication.

Information and privacy: questions regarding the collection of information on this form can be directed to the form administrator.

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* (required)
Main images must have a minimum size of 1280 pixels wide x 815 pixels high (optimize the image as best as possible before uploading). The design of the site relies on good quality images to push and pull and resize them as required.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.
Tell us more about this image - who is in it, what is happening, and to whom does image credit belong? If we do not own the image, proper credit attribution is required. 10 words minimum.
The teaser is the text that appears beside the image and below the title on the article listing page of the publication. This could also be referred to as an abstract for the article. 30 words minimum.
Has this article been published before? * (required)
Do you have more images to add?