Inside Winter 2021

  • Jake Malliaros

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    Jake Malliaros

    The First Virtual Convocation Host for Science at UWaterloo

    University Convocation was a little different this year due to COVID-19 and the global pandemic. The Class of 2020 shared this important milestone with the Faculty, fellow graduates, friends and family at a live virtual celebration with Jake Malliaros, BSc ’20 (Honours Physics) as the first virtual Convocation host for the Faculty of Science.

    Category: Meet our Students
  • Farnoud Kazemzadeh appears to be giving a speech.

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    Farnoud Kazemzadeh

    BSc ’08; co-founder & VP Engineering at Vital Bio

    Farnoud Kazemzadeh, BSc ’08, wended his way from an undergraduate “love for extragalactic astrophysics”, through a PhD in system design engineering, to become VP Engineering at Vital Bio – the second of the two startups he co-founded – where the techniques they are developing may one day allow your physician to replace an entire slate of tests at Labcorps with a 20-minute in-house test.

    Category: Alumni Profiles
  • Bethany Bouchard, Tim Whittaker, Anya Forestell and Jyler Menard the creators of

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    Students take on physics problems with first annual Schrodinger’s Hack

    Exploring physics in a way that hasn’t been done before… The Schrodinger’s Hack hackathon will provide students with an opportunity to experience collaboration, gain new connections, test problem solving, and have fun doing physics. It will also encourage meaningful connections between industry and research leaders in physics and the students outside of the classroom environment.

    Category: Meet our Students
  • Ria working in the lab

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    Ria Chakraborty

    Ria Chakraborty, a 2A Mathematical Physics student, has a wide range of talents and interests ranging from the traditional and digital arts to quantum computing. Ria has been taking full advantage of the opportunities offered in Waterloo in research and in quantum startup culture.

    Category: Meet our Students