Winter 2022
In memory of Firas Mansour
An exceptional teacher and colleague, Firas dedicated his professional life to physics education and to the well-being of his students. With a larger than life personality replete with wit and charm, Firas had a passion for physics and physics education. He will be sorely missed.
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Sattar Taheri-Araghi
Research in experimental biology
During his PhD studies in Waterloo Sattar Taheri Araghi studied antimicrobial peptides, now he is a faculty member at CSUN
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Graduate student in a quest to learn how machine learning works
Anna Golubeva, PhD student in theoretical condensed matter physics at U. of Waterloo, works in the group of Prof. Roger Melko who was recently awarded a prestigious Vanier fellowship
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Artificial intelligence teaches itself to solve gnarly quantum challenges
Rather than battle it out to obsolescence, new research shows how quantum and classical systems can evolve together.
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Fall 2018
Message from the Chair
One of the most satisfying rewards for serving as department chair has been the opportunity to meet many of you and to hear what you are up to. Whether its research on string theory, market research, banking, teaching, or founding a startup, I’m amazed at the breadth of accomplishment our graduates have enjoyed.
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Fall 2018
36 years went by too fast!
Join us on December 5th at 4pm to celebrate Rohan
When asked what he would miss most about the department, Rohan replied that the support he received from all levels including the department chairs, and the administrative staff, but most of all, the students. Rohan is a special educator who has touched the lives of thousands of students and has left them with a positive memory of their time at the University of Waterloo.
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Fall 2018
Professor Will Percival
Distinguished Research Chair in Astrophysics in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Waterloo
The University of Waterloo's newly created Distinguished Chair in Astrophysics, Prof. Will Percival, coming from the Institute of Cosmology & Gravitation at the University of Portsmouth, is leading an effort to understand why the Universal expansion is accelerating.
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Fall 2018
Zahra Fakhraai
Zahra Fakhraai is the recipient of 2015 Sloan fellowship in Chemistry, 2017 Journal of Physical Chemistry B Lectureship Award, and 2017 University of Waterloo Young Alumni award. Zahra identifies as a material scientist interested in materials properties in small length scales and extremely slow dynamics.
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Fall 2018
Undergraduate Physics and Astronomy student wins co-op triple crown
Emily Pass, now a fourth-year undergraduate co-op student in the department of Physics and Astronomy won faculty, provincial and national Co-op Student of the Year Awards in March 2018. This co-op triple crown award was given for the work Emily did developing a data analysis program that rapidly detects objects in the Kuiper Belt, a region of space beyond Neptune. Emily acknowledges her long term passion in Astronomy combined with Physics education she obtained at Waterloo for her success leading to “wonderful opportunities and possibilities” for the future career growth.
Category: Featured Meet our Students -
Fall 2018
Vanier Scholarship Success for our Graduate Students
Out of the about 160 scholarships awarded each year nationwide over all fields, five of our students have been awarded in this funding round.
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Fall 2018
Alzheimer's disease: one lipid bilayer at a time
Dr. Zoya Leonenko and her research group are using atomic force microscopy to study neuronal membranes, producing results that suggest the mechanisms that trigger Alzheimer's Disease.
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Fall 2018
Telltales of frustrated interactions
In a recent Nature Communications paper, Gingras and collaborators exposed in a spin ice material — a system in which the microscopic atomic magnetic moments experience frustrated interactions, and closely mimic the behaviour of the protons in common water ice — an heretofore unnoticed analogy with classical gases.
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