Influential researchers, leaders, inventors, new light on the brain, artificial intelligence, the Pope. The strange worlds of neutron scattering, quantum computers, and spooky action at a distance from space. All of this from Physics & Astronomy’s students, researchers, and graduates here in our Spring 2022 edition of The Entangler.
This publication is intended to update you with highlights from the department and our alumni. It is a snapshot in time of the time we are living. So a comment about Covid 19 would be hard to avoid.
As of this writing, the campus is almost back to normal with in-person instruction and research labs churning at nearly full steam. Instructional labs are the slowest to return, with the need for close proximity. We will soon be at full capacity, where people on campus outnumber the geese! Only time will tell where the new equilibrium between 3D in-person activity and 2-D remote interaction will lie. But the anticipation surely is exciting!
On a sad note, we lost Firas Mansour, one of our liveliest and most energetic teaching faculty members late last year. The department is reeling with his loss. Beloved by his students and colleagues alike, we miss Firas and wish his family well. A celebration of his life later this Spring is being planned.
Enjoy this edition of The Entangler.