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A student who has a question or complaint is advised to follow normal administrative channels: supervisor, department Chair or Graduate Officer, the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies in each Faculty, Faculty Dean and/or Dean of Graduate Studies.

There are several other on-campus individuals and services/facilities available to advise and assist students; these include: the Director, Conflict Management and Human Rights (Math and Computer, Room 4049, ext. 3765); the Ombudsperson (Student Life Centre, Room 2128, ext. 2402); the Co-ordinator for Persons with Disabilities (Needles Hall, Room 1132, ext. 5082); the Graduate Student Association. Counselling Services, Health & Safety, and the UW Police all provide comfort and support for students in distress.

The Office of Conflict Management and Human Rights provides two services: the Resolution Support Program (RSP), and the Conflict Intervention Program (CIP). RSP provides non-advocacy one-on-one trained volunteer support for persons working through informal or formal resolution processes on campus. CIP provides a volunteer mediation service for parties working through resolutions.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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