Rita Lee-Chui International Education Fund Application Form

The Rita Lee-Chui International Education Fund has ongoing availability: $500 per student. 

The Rita Lee-Chui International Education Fund exists to support students’ international education experiences through allocation of a travel bursary. Students participating in international travel related to Renison courses or programs are eligible.  

Opportunities and eligibility requirements include: 

Students registered in Renison programs, courses, or residence participating in: 

  • A study abroad program (based on a letter of permission) 

  • An academic exchange program (Waterloo partner universities) 

  • An international co-op work term  

  • A Renison mobility program (non-credit) 

  • A Renison field course (involving international experience) 

  • An international internship and/or practicum placement 

  • An international volunteer work term 

  • An international service learning program 

  • A student international experience that supports a learning objective of their Renison degree program endorsed or approved by a University of Waterloo or Renison department or program. Please upload supporting letter from Renison faculty member. 

All other University of Waterloo students participating in an international experience connected to Renison such as: 

  • A study abroad program (involving credit through a Renison course or program based on a letter of permission) 

  • A Renison field course (involving international experience) 

  • A Renison mobility program (non-credit) related to their Renison program or a Renison course 

  • A student international experience that supports a learning objective of their Renison degree program endorsed or approved by a University of Waterloo or Renison department or program. Please upload supporting letter from Renison faculty member. 

NOTE: Students may receive a $500 grant to subsidize their transportation costs; students are eligible to receive the grant no more than two times. 

Please apply only after receiving approval for your relevant international experience. If you are participating in a Renison international experience, please upload a letter of endorsement from Renison International Office (RIO).

Please indicate which of the following criteria apply to you:
What program are you studying in?
Please describe the international learning experience that you will be participating in, including details such as: length of the program, content you’ll be learning/studying or places you’ll visit, what led you to want to participate in this experience, and how it will help you become a global citizen. Max 100 words.
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.
Please upload any letters of endorsement such as that from the Renison International Office, if applicable.
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.