GBDA students on the job
Global Business and Digital Arts (GBDA) students traded textbooks for ties as they embarked on internships for the first time this summer. Students completed 12-16 week paid placements with a range of firms including Telus, Amazon, Sony and The Source.
Read about what Wil and Selina took away from the experience, over on the Stratford Campus blog.
MDEI grads
We recently caught up with a Master of Digital Experience Innovation (MDEI) program grads Faizan, Jothi and Tyler, to find out what they have been up to since they completed the program.
Faizan Agha
Manager of Advanced Product Development, Hyundai Canada/USA
Jothi Priya Balasundara Vinayagam
Developer Intern, SAP
Tyler Benning
User Experience Designer, IBM