Applied Mathematics seminar | Dr. Giovanni Rastelli, Extensions of natural Hamiltonians

Thursday, January 30, 2014 3:30 pm - 3:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

MC 5158


Dr. Giovanni Rastelli, Department of Mathematics University of Turin, Turin, Italy


Extensions of natural Hamiltonians


Given a n-dimensional natural Hamiltonian L on a Riemannian or pseudo- Riemannian manifold, we call the "extension" of L the n+1 dimensional Hamiltonian H = 1/2 pu2 + a(u)L + b(u), with new canonically conjugate coordinates (u, p_u). For a class of L, the functions a(u) and b(u) can be chosen such that for any integer value of m, H admits an extra polynomial first integral in the momenta of degree m, explicitly determined in the form of the m-th power of a differential operator applied to a suitable function G of coordinates and momenta. In particular, if L is maximally superintegrable (MS) then H is also MS.
Therefore, the extension procedure allows the creation of new superintegrable systems from old ones.
For m=2, the extra first integral generated by the extension procedure determines a second-order symmetry operator of a Laplace-Beltrami quantization of H, modified by taking in account the curvature of the configuration manifold. The extension procedure can be applied to several Hamiltonian systems, including the three-body Calogero and Wolfes systems, the Tremblay-Turbiner-Winternitz system and n-dimensional anisotropic harmonic oscillators. We propose here a short review of the known results of the theory and some previews of new ones.