Graduate Student Seminar | Richard Lopp, Seminar 3: A Covariant Formulation of QED

Wednesday, April 21, 2021 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Zoom: please contact amgrad@uwaterloo for the meeting link


Richard Lopp | University of Waterloo 


Seminar 3: A Covariant Formulation of QED

Please note: this is apart of the seminar series, Light and Atoms


In the last part of the series, we will study a covariant formulation of QED that goes beyond the simple approach of the Coulomb gauge quantization. Even though that requires imposing additional constraints to find the physical states, it is vital to renormalize divergent quantities. We will also examine a relativistic description of particles. In that case, the particles have to be viewed as excitations from a relativistic quantum matter field.