Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Seminar | Vincent Perrier, Link between the low Mach number limit and the long time limit of the wave system: continuous and discrete aspects

Tuesday, November 28, 2023 1:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

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Vincent Perrier,  Research associate, INRIA


Link between the low Mach number limit and the long time limit of the wave system: continuous and discrete aspects


This talk deals with the precision problem of classical density based solver in the low Mach number limit. Once adimensioned, the Euler system involves a singular limit when the Mach number goes to 0, which induces precision problems in the low Mach number limit. We will first address the continuous problem and show how the different variables are supposed to scale when the Mach number goes to 0, and show the discrepancy between the expected behaviour and the behaviour of classical numerical. By another analysis, we will show in which sense the low Mach number problem is equivalent to the long time behaviour of the wave system. The remainder of this talk will be dedicated to the study of the structure of this linear problem and the preservation of this structure at the discrete level. The work of this talk was performed in collaboration with Jonathan Jung (UPPA).