Graduate Housing Consultative Council

The Graduate Housing Consultative Council (GHCC) was created to ensure Campus Housing has a formal channel for educating residents and acquiring student input on the graduate housing residence experience. 

In addition to termly Residence Experience Surveys, the GHCC is an opportunity for students living in CLV Graduate Housing to share their thoughts, feedback, and concerns on all major issues related to their residence stay, and to provide input on decisions made by Campus Housing that directly affects the graduate housing experience.

Examples of topics could include (but are not limited to): the Housing budget, adjusting any offered community programs/events, and discussing any planned maintenance of the CLV community.

The GHCC provides transparency and ensures Campus Housing fulfills Residential Tenancies Act exemption requirements. While all feedback from the Council will be taken into consideration by professional staff, outcomes and ultimate decisions will be made by Campus Housing staff members.


Membership is comprised of: current Graduate Housing (non-family) residents (e.g., Graduate students, Optometry students, and 4B Accounting students), and the CLV Graduate Operations Team professional staff.

Composition and format

Terms of Reference

The Council meetings or events will be chaired by the Manager, Graduate Student Family Housing or their designate, and will be comprised of UWaterloo students that are current graduate housing residents (e.g., must have signed a graduate housing residence contract and are actively living in the community).

There will be a minimum of three (3) Campus Housing staff in attendance at each meeting or event.

Council dates and locations for meetings/events will be communicated in advance and should try to occur at least three times per year (approximately once each term).

Council Meetings and/or Events may include (but are not limited to): formal meetings, door knocking campaigns, focus groups, townhalls, and more.

Meeting Protocols can be found here. Door Knocking campaign information can be found below.

Co-Chair of Council contact

Kristen Leal

Submit a topic

Should you have any questions, concerns, or feedback about your graduate housing living accommodations in CLV or about the community, the GHCC is a great opportunity to express them. This can help in answering your questions, giving you an opportunity to meet directly with Housing staff.

Submit a topic in advance for discussion at the next meeting.

Note: submissions to this form are not checked regularly. Should you require immediate or urgent action, please contact your Grad Don (for community questions or issues), CLV Maintenance (for facilities questions or issues), or for any/all other inquiries.

Meeting schedule

The Consultative Council will be held approximately once per term. The next event is Thursday April 11 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.

Graduate Housing Door Knocking Campaign

As a member of the CLV graduate community, we want to understand your experience living on-campus. During our graduate housing Door Knocking Campaigns, staff members from the Campus Housing team will come to you. This provides members of the graduate housing community the opportunity to share their feedback, raise questions, and/or voice any concern’s they may have.

Next Upcoming Door Knocker Campaign: TBD