WaterlooWorks has replaced JobMine

  • WaterlooWorks has replaced Jobmine and other standalone applications such as the eCheckIn form
  • WaterlooWorks is very user-friendly! Architecture students have used it successfully since 2014 and found it very intuitive. Help documents and training are available to guide you through the process

Things you'll love about WaterlooWorks

24/7 access

job location can be seen on google maps within the posting and receive personalized feedback during ranking

one free no rank per term

job postings as 'not interested' and no limit to the number of documentsEnhanced search functionality


While WaterlooWorks will bring some great benefits and new features, overall, the co-op process will remain the same.

For more detailed information about the system itself, an overview of the project and to learn more about the improvements for students, please visit CEE's Systems Strategy website.