Harassment on your co-op work term or EDGE experience
If you experience sexual harassment while on your work term or EDGE experience - We can help!
The university has a commitment to its students, both on and off-campus, while engaged in university-related activities. When harassment occurs in a co-op or EDGE student's workplace, we have a responsibility to ensure that the student's complaint is handled competently.
How do we do that? If you believe your rights have been violated, it is important that you tell someone. The position of Harassment Advisor (HA) was introduced in order to assist students in the resolution of harassment issues. The Harassment Advisors are trained to provide students with information and guidance in situations involving harassment in the workplace.
If you feel harassment has occurred:
document the incident, including names, dates and witnesses;
tell someone you trust -- a friend, co-worker, or workplace human rights personnel;
report the incident to someone at the university -- a coordinator, a placement advisor, the sexual harassment counselor at Counseling Services (Ext. 33528). With your permission, they will relay your concerns to a Harassment Advisor; and/or
report the incident to one of the Harassment Advisors listed below:
Linda Davis
519-888-4567, ext. 32171
Diane McKelvie
519-888-4567, ext. 32438