This update is provided for archival purposes only.

Public Health guidance and University of Waterloo operations may have changed. For the most up-to-date information, please visit our COVID-19 frequently asked questions.

News for Researchers

Monday, February 14, 2022

Plans for large classes after February 28

Update for the UWaterloo community

In the last week we have seen our campuses come alive once again as we made our return to in-person learning. We hope everyone who got to experience the campus last week felt some of the energy of having our spaces occupied by students learning and working together.

We were pleased to see our community remaining vigilant and respecting the need to wear masks and maintain distancing where it is required. Thank you for doing your part to keep the people around you protected. We remind you to complete the daily Campus Check-in and to stay away if you are sick. We also encourage all members of our community to get their booster vaccine as soon as you are eligible.

Monday, January 31, 2022

Updating you on our plans to return to in-person experiences

Update for the UWaterloo Community

We recently communicated the University’s intention to gradually transition to full in-person experiences with most in-person instruction starting on Monday, February 7.

Ontario’s decision to open more of the province starting today is supported by the Chief Medical Officer of Health as well as Waterloo Region’s Medical Officer of Health. Changes to Ontario’s regulations mean across many sectors, people are returning to work and activities gradually through February to mid-March. The evidence from Ontario’s Science table shows now that we are past the peak of Omicron transmission based on daily case counts, test positivity, the reproduction number and wastewater data.  Hospital and ICU admissions for COVID-19 are plateauing and starting to trend down. 

Friday, January 21, 2022

In-person experiences resuming on February 7

Update for the UWaterloo Community

Yesterday, the Government of Ontario announced steps to cautiously and gradually ease public health measures. The evidence shows that our collective efforts to reduce the transmission of Omicron are having an effect and we can continue our cautious return to in-person experiences.

For the University, the announcement means that we will continue to deliver essential in-person teaching and learning as we have done since January 4, and we will gradually transition to full in-person experiences with most in-person instruction starting on February 7.  

Thursday, January 20, 2022

COVID-19 Community Response – Staff Redeployment and Volunteer Opportunities

Update for employees

As you are aware, the widespread transmission of the Omicron variant is straining our health and wellness system across the region and country. In response, the Region of Waterloo is reaching out to our University community with redeployment opportunities to support our frontline workers in local hospitals, long-term care, retirement homes and shelters.

We are writing to you today to consider two mechanisms for your support to our community.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Confirming our return to in-person learning and work in February

Update for the UWaterloo Community

We will extend the current remote learning and working arrangements for a short period, but we plan to return to in-person experiences in February. We will return as soon as it is practical to do so based on advice from public health officials. In the meantime, as previously announced, we continue to provide essential in person teaching.