Prajna Kandarpa

Research associate

Prajna Kandarpa
Prajna is a Research Assistant in the Realtime Embedded Systems Lab at UW.  His research interests include time series anomaly detection methods (unsupervised and supervised), device prognostics and time series regression on data collected from the Internet Of Things (IOT), automotive computers and other electronic machinery.

He recently majored in Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Waterloo (Class of 2016), and is originally from Visakhapatnam, India. He has experience building web applications for transportation companies, desktop video streaming apps for Mac OS X, testing gigabit ethernet network switches using a combination of software and hardware simulations with a user in the loop. His most recent work in the ESG lab includes creating responsive data visualizations for the web, and investigating techniques to analyze CAN log message sequences to determine system reliability and diagnose automotive component failures.