Sample syllabus

University of Waterloo – Department of Chemistry
CHEM 264: Organic Chemistry 1 (Fall 2023)

Course Description

Calendar description for CHEM 264:

Structure and bonding in organic chemistry. Isomerism and stereoisomerism in organic compounds. Acidity of organic compounds and substituent effects on acidity. Reaction mechanisms and energetics. Chemistry of alkanes, haloalkanes, alcohols and ethers, alkenes and alkynes. [Offered: F, S]

Units: 0.50

Prereq: CHEM 123 or CHEM 125; Honours students only

Antireq: CHEM 262, 266, NE 122/222

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  • Have a solid foundation in organic chemistry with emphasis on structure-reactivity relationships
  • Use the language of organic chemistry including pushing electrons, conformational analysis and stereochemical nomenclature
  • Recognize the ubiquity and importance of acid-base chemistry in organic chemistry
  • Recognize specific reactivity patterns of some classes of organic compounds
  • Appreciate the inherent logic in organic chemistry

How to achieve the learning outcomes and succeed in this course:

  • Read assigned material ahead of lectures and attend lectures
  • Recognize that some memorization is required but solving problems/making connections is key
  • Do not think that hours spent reading a textbook is equivalent to time spent solving problems and making connections. Do as many problems as possible to check your understanding
  • Make full use of the resources available (e.g. instructor, fellow students, Top Hat, www, etc.)
  • Use the quizzes as a learning tool
  • Keep up with the course material rather than doing last minute cramming (which may have worked in previous courses but will not work in a course that “builds on itself”)

Tentative Course Schedule

Week 1

Module 1: Structure and Bonding

Week 2

Module 3: Chemical Reactivity and Mechanisms

Week 3

Module 4: Acids and Bases

Week 4

Module 5: Conformations of Acyclic Alkanes and Cycloalkanes

Week 5

Module 6: Stereochemistry

Week 6

Module 7: SN2 Reactions

Week 7

Module 8: SN1 Reactions and Distinguishing Differences between SN1 and SN2 Reactions

Week 8

Modules 9 and 10: E1 and E2 Reactions to Form Alkenes

Week 9

Module 11: Substitution-Elimination: Discerning the Differences

Week 10

Module 12: Alkenes

Week 11

Module 13: Alkynes

Week 12

Modules 14 and 15: Alcohols and Oxiranes and Ethers

There will be weekly tutorials on Mondays 4:30 - 5:20 pm in DC 1351 covering the current relevant content.





Organic Chemistry, Top Hat online text by Steven Forsey et al.

Course code is 942442


Student Molecular Model Kit

Can be obtained from WStore or online (Recommended – may be used in any exam)


Student Assessment



Midterm test 1 (50 minutes, Wednesday October 18 )


Midterm test 2 (50 minutes, Wednesday November 15)


Top Hat participation


~10 online (Waterloo LEARN) quizzes due Thursdays 11:59 pm starting September 14


Final exam (2.5 hours) in regular exam period (December)*


Alternative evaluation: 10% Online Quizzes + 20% Midterm 1 + 20% Midterm 2 + 50% Final Exam

To pass the course, you must obtain an overall passing grade (i.e. a weighted average of at least 50%) on the midterms and final exam.

For assessments (other than the final exam) that are missed for valid reasons, the value of the assessment will be re-distributed to the other components.