Upcoming initiatives 2020

Initiative IST Group
Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) implementation (i.e. DubHub Project) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Implement new online application and management tool for graduate students ERP
Deploy Elastic Search ERP
Human Resources (myHRinfo) deprecation ERP
Defining and planning changes to Tuition in Quest ERP
Graduate Admissions improvements ERP
Present final report for Campus IT Review initiative IST Strategic Consultant
Departmental Security Health Checks Information Security Services (ISS)
Re-development of the campus cyber incident response procedure ISS
Migrate IST Project and Portfolio Management resources to Jira Client Services (CS)
Migrate IST Knowledge Base (TeamDynamix) to Atlassian platform (Confluence) CS, Departmental and Campus Applications (DCA)
Support migration of undergraduate students to staff Microsoft Office 365 tenant CS, Technology Integrated Services (TIS)
Investigate whether Microsoft Office 365 can replace Bomgar CS
Investigate whether Microsoft Office 365 can replace Qualtrics CS
Build on Cyber Awareness pop-up event CS, ISS
Support mandatory roll out of two-factor authentication (2FA) CS, ISS
Investigate asset management option in Jira for desktop rollover program CS
Establish exam management system governance model CS
Investigate potential to use Jira Service Desk for IT Service Management CS
New Electronic Health Records system DCA
WaterlooWorks migration project DCA
Replacement Engineering Science Quest system DCA
New Legal Services system DCA
Atlassian platform expansion and renewal DCA
WCMS 3.0 Minimum Viable Product launch and migrations begin to Drupal Cloud platform DCA
Campus wireless upgrade to Wi-Fi 6 TIS
Software defined storage project work complete TIS
Office 365 for teaching and learning applications Instructional Technology and Media Services (ITMS)
Request for information (RFI) for video server and lecture capture ITMS
Learning Environment Retreat ITMS
Major LMS and online learning environment review ITMS
Active Learning Classroom project ITMS
Edtech “Reboot" (work to improve our processes and practices for promoting, communicating, and adopting new technologies) ITMS

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Andrew McAlorum
Director, Client Services