
(full CV in PDF form below)


2017-: Associate Professor, University of Waterloo.
2017-: Associate Faculty, Perimeter Institute.
2016-2017: Associate Professor, University of Virginia.
2013-2016: Assistant Professor, University of Virginia.
2011-2013: Assistant Professor, Northeastern University.
2010-2011: Assistant Professor, University of Oregon.
2008-2010: C.L.E. Moore Instructor and NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, M.I.T.
2007-2008: Member and NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study.
2002-2007: Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley.
1998-2002: B.A. in Mathematics, Simon's Rock College.

As visitor
2014 Spring: Junior Chair, Universite Denis Diderot--Paris VII, sponsored by Fondation Sciences Mathematiques de Paris.
2006 Fall: Center for the Topology and Quantization of Moduli Spaces, (Aarhus, Denmark).
2001 Spring: Budapest Semesters in Mathematics, (Budapest, Hungary).

Scientific/Academic Honors and Grants:

2018-23 NSERC Discovery Grant
2015 International Researcher Collaboration Award from Sydney University.
2014-2016 Sloan Research Fellowship.
2013 Sole PI for conference grant.
2012-2017 NSF CAREER Grant.
2010-2012 NSA Young Investigator Grant.
2007-2011 NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship.
2007 Summer Clay Liftoff Fellowship.
2003-2007 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

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