Designing Authentic Assessments for Learning

Presentation Date: 

Monday, May 30, 2022

Presentation Slides: 

At the Statistical Society of Canada annual meeting, I spoke about some research into assessments in undergraduate STEM courses.

Assessment is both to give students feedback on their learning as well as to assign grades. But unfortunately most students only see them as a means to obtain grades. How can we change this perception, and get students to see assessment as valuable learning experiences?

As part of the Enhance Assessment Practices project in the Faculty of Math, I have been conducting an extensive literature review of what assessment types STEM faculty are using, as well as outcomes and best practices.

In this talk, I will discuss how statistics courses can use non-traditional assessment types such as interactive tutorials, communication-based activities, peer learning, case studies, and oral exams. Participants will come away with tangible and research-supported suggestions for incorporating more authentic assessment types into their courses.