Absences and rearticulations: 2SLGBTQ+ families and care/work

Presentation Date: 

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Presentation Slides: 

Our team took part in a panel of presentations called "Care Is Not a Tally Sheet: Reflections on the Care/Work Portrait as a Method for Rethinking and Remaking the Field of Gendered Divisions of Labour" (Doucet, A., Klostermann, J., de Laat, K., Fisher, L., Foster, K., Gibson, M., livingstone, b., Cooper, J., Urquhart, B., & Kader, U.). Our presentation was created by M. Gibson, b. livingstone, J. Cooper, and B. Urquhart, and describes some of the methodological challenges we encountered as we piloted the Care/Work Portrait in online interviews with 2SLGBTQ+ parents and their partners -- and how we adjusted our approach in response. The field of gendered divisions of labour has largely ignored the experiences of 2SLGBTQ_parents and their families, and this absence has continued in research addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, there is a lot to learn from parents who live outside of hetero- and cis-normative family frameworks, about how care, work, research, and policy could be done otherwise.