
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Weber, O. . (2016). Sustainable Banking: From the Business Case of Sustainability to the Sustainability Case of Banking. In Sustainable Finance Moving Center Stage SFI Annual Meeting 2016. October 4, Swiss Finance Institute.
Weber, O. . (2016). Digging into the Eco-Fund Ratings. Corporate KnightsCorporate Knights. January 20, Corporate Knights.
Weber, O. . (2016). Equator Principles reporting: Factors influencing the quality of reports. International Journal of Corporate Strategy and Social ResponsibilityInternational Journal of Corporate Strategy and Social Responsibility, 1, 141-160.
Weber, O. . (2016). Impact Investing. In Routledge Handbook on Social and Sustainable Finance (pp. 85-101). Routledge.
Weber, O. . (2016). Social Banks' Mission and Finance. In Routledge Handbook on Social and Sustainable Finance (pp. 467-479). Routledge.
Weber, O. . (2016). The Sustainability Performance of Chinese Banks: Institutional Impact, 29. March 21,
Wang, X. , Lin, H. , & Weber, O. . (2016). Does Adoption of Management Standards Deliver Efficiency Gain in Firms’ Pursuit of Sustainability Performance? An Empirical Investigation of Chinese Manufacturing Firms. SustainabilitySustainability, 8, 694, 1-18.
Weber, O. , & Oni, O. . (2015). The Impact of Financial Sector Sustainability Regulations on Banks. CIGI (Tran.), , 24. October 1, CIGI.
Weber, O. , Hoque, A. , & Islam, A. Mohammad. (2015). Incorporating environmental criteria into credit risk management in Bangladeshi banks. Journal of Sustainable Finance & InvestmentJournal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 5, 1-15. Taylor & Francis.
Weber, O. , & Adeniyi, I. . (2015). Voluntary sustainability codes of conduct in the financial sector, 20. November 3, Centre for International Governance Innovation.
Weber, O. . (2015). The banking sector’s contribution to sustainable growth – risk assessment, sustainable finance, voluntary initiatives and regulations. In Third joint conference of the European Central Bank and the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey. August 27-28, European Central Bank.
Weber, O. . (2015). The Banking Sector's Contribution to Sustainable Growth – Risk Assessment, Sustainable Finance, Voluntary Initiatives and Regulations. Social Science Research Network Working Paper SeriesSocial Science Research Network Working Paper Series. September 9.
Weber, O. . (2015). Green Banking and Green Lending in China. International Workshop on the Theories and Practices of Green Growth. April 10-12.
Weber, O. . (2015). How to align the financial sector with the fight against climate change?.
Weber, O. . (2015). Sustainable Finance. In Sustainability Science Handbook (pp. 119-127). Springer.
Weber, O. . (2015). Equator Principles Reporting: Factors Influencing the Quality of Reports. In ASAC Conference 2015. June 13-16.
Weber, O. . (2015). Impact Investing. In ACRN SSFII - Social and Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing Conference. April 23 - 24, ACRN, Said Business School.
Weber, O. . (2015). Responsible Investment in Canada. In The Routledge Handbook of Responsible Investment (pp. 70-80). Routledge.
Weber, O. . (2015). Social Finance and Impact Investing - On their way out of the niche into mainstream?. In ACRN SSFII - Social and Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing Conference (Vol. 1-Conference Keynote). April 23 - 24, ACRN, Said Business School.
Oyegunle, A. , & Weber, O. . (2015). Development of Sustainability and Green Banking Regulations - Existing Codes and Practices, 24. April 22, Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI).
