I am a professor in sustainable finance, associate director graduate studies at the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED), and a CIGI Senior Fellow.
My research and teaching interests centre on the connection between financial sector players, such as banks and sustainable development, and the link between sustainability and financial performance of enterprises. Currently I am working on the following research questions:
- What are the current and potential impacts of banks and other financial institutions on sustainable development and what may banks do to influence sustainable development in a positive way?
- What is the role of voluntary and regulatory mechanisms for the financial sector to become more sustainable?
- How do social banking and impact investing contribute to sustainable development?
- How do businesses manage environmental risks such as water risks and conflict minerals and how do their management practices influence their financial performance?
Currently, I supervise a group of Sustainability Management students and three PhD students working on the four research questions and teach courses in Environmental Finance, Sustainability Accounting and Reporting, and Theories and Tools for Sustainability Management. Please contact me if you are interested in pursuing master's or PhD studies in fields related to the research questions above.
The courses I teach are SUSM 602 "SUSM 602 – Theories and Concepts of Sustainability Management", SUSM 701 "Theories of Sustsinability Management". ENBUS / SUSM 650 "Sustainable Finance", and ENBUS 375 'Sustainable Finance.