Duetto: Latency Guarantees at Minimal Performance Cost


Mirosanlou, R. , Hassan, M. , & Pellizzoni, R. . (2021). Duetto: Latency Guarantees at Minimal Performance Cost. In IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (pp. 1136-1141). IEEE.
Duetto.pdf430 KB


The management of shared hardware resources in multi-core platforms has been characterized by a fundamental trade-off: 
high-performance arbiters typically employed in COTS systems offer no worst-case guarantees,
while dedicated real-time controllers provide timing guarantees at the cost of significantly degrading system performance. 
In this paper, we overcome this trade-off by introducing Duetto, a novel hardware resource management paradigm. 
Duetto pairs a real-time arbiter with a high-performance arbiter and a latency estimator module.
Based on the observation that the resource is rarely overloaded, Duetto executes the high-performance arbiter most of the time, switching to the real-time arbiter only in the rare cases when the latency estimator deems that timing guarantees risk being violated. 
We demonstrate our approach on the case study of a multi-bank memory.
Our evaluation based on cycle-accurate simulations shows that Duetto can provide the same latency guarantees as the real-time arbiter with limited loss of performance compared to the high-performance arbiter.


Last updated on 04/20/2021