Exploring tangible interactions with radar sensing

TitleExploring tangible interactions with radar sensing
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsYeo, H-S., R. Minami, K. Rodriguez, G. Shaker, and A. Quigley
JournalProceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies
Date Published12/2018

Research has explored miniature radar as a promising sensing technique for the recognition of gestures, objects, users' presence and activity. However, within Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), its use remains underexplored, in particular in Tangible User Interface (TUI). In this paper, we explore two research questions with radar as a platform for sensing tangible interaction with the counting, ordering, identification of objects and tracking the orientation, movement and distance of these objects. We detail the design space and practical use-cases for such interaction which allows us to identify a series of design patterns, beyond static interaction, which are continuous and dynamic. With a focus on planar objects, we report on a series of studies which demonstrate the suitability of this approach. This exploration is grounded in both a characterization of the radar sensing and our rigorous experiments which show that …
