Andrew Sachrajda
"Hole Hybrid Qubit in a Gated Double Quantum Dot – Spin-Flip Tunneling, Anisotropic g-Factor, and Spin Coherence Time of a Single Hole"

Andrew Sachrajda is the Group Leader of the Quantum Physics Group and Project Leader of the Quantum Electronics Project at the National Research Council of Canada. He graduated with a Ph.D from the University of Sussex in England before coming to Canada as a research associate at Queens University in Kingston. He originally worked in the field of Superfluid Helium 3. In 1986 he obtained a permanent position at the National Research Council where he started a activity in the then new field of Quantum Transport in semiconductor nanostructures, an area where he has since published over 200 refereed publications. His group was the first to isolate a single electron (spin) using purely electrostatic gates, an achievement which help trigger the world wide effort in using spin qubits for quantum information applications. His current interests include few qubit circuits based on electron or hole spins for applications such as quantum repeaters as well as phonon effects in these devices. He was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society.