Clara Santato
"Molecular materials for green electronics"

Clara Santato is a Tenured Professor in the Department of Engineering Physics at École Polytechnique de Montréal since 2011. She joined the Department of Engineering Physics in 2007.
Professor C. Santato earned her Ph.D. degree in Chemistry ("Preparation and characterization of nanostructured WO3 films as photoanodes in photoelectrochemical devices", Ph.D. advisor Professor J. Augustynski) in 2001 from the Université de Genève (Switzerland) and her M.Sc. degree ("Electropolymerization and photopolymerization of a pyrrole-substituted ruthenium tris(bipyridyl) complex", MSc Advisors Professor S. Roffia and Dr A. Deronzier) in Chemistry in 1995 from Università degli Studi di Bologna (Italy). The experimental work was carried out in collaboration with Université J. Fourier (Grenoble, France).
She was a (permanent) research scientist at the Institute for Nanostructured Materials, part of the Italian National Research Council, from 2001 to 2011. She was a visiting scientist 2007-2010 at Cornell University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering (Malliaras Laboratory for Organic Electronics). Before that, in 2006, she was a visiting scientist with a cross appointment between Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (Varennes, Canada) and McGill University (Chemistry), and, in 2005, at Purdue University (Chemistry).