Plenary Speakers
Meyya Meyyappan
Electronics beyond Moore’s Law era -
Manijeh Razeghi
Next generation optoelectronics for a brighter future -
Kimberley Dick Thelander
Design of advanced one-dimensional semiconductor materials.
Tutorial Speakers
- Gianluigi Botton
- Advances in microscopy applications to semiconductor materials and devices
- Safa Kasap
Photoconductivity: Fundamentals and Typical Photoconductive Materials -
Na Young Kim
Beauty and wonder of microcavity exciton-polaritons: Past, Present and Future
Invited Speakers
Jonathan Baugh
Silicon MOSFET Quantum Dots -
Serge Charlebois
Development of an Infrared Imager -
Amr Helmy
Quantum Photonics In Monolithic Compound Semiconductors -
Karen Kavanagh
Transmission He Ion Microscopy -
Hamed Majedi
Semiconductor Nanowire Quantum Dot Molecule for Photon Triplet Generation -
Yi Luo
Photodetectors for near infrared and middle infrared wavelengths -
Zetian Mi
Emerging applications of III-nitride nanostructures: from deep UV photonics to artificial photosynthesis -
Philip Poole
Bright InAsP Quantum Dots in Site-selected InP Nanowires-Pushing to Longer Wavelength -
Andrew Sachrajda
Hole Hybrid Qubit in a Gated Double Quantum Dot – Spin-Flip Tunneling, Anisotropic g-Factor, and Spin Coherence Time of a Single Hole -
Clara Santato
Molecular materials for green electronics -
Jens Schmid
Subwavelength engineering for silicon photonic devices -
Shelley Scott
Semiconductor Nanomembranes: Sheet Science and Technology -
Oleksandr Voznyy
Towards High-performing and stable perovskites and their analogues for solar cells and light emission -
Kevin Zhenyu Yan
Solution-processed materials and devices for photon/electron energy conversion -
Wenjuan Zhu
Two-dimensional Materials and Nanoscale Devices