Manijeh Razeghi

Manijeh Razeghi

"Next generation optoelectronics for a brighter future"

Manijeh Razeghi

Dr. Razeghi is one of the leading scientists in the field of semiconductor science and technology. She is a pioneer in the development and implementation of major modern epitaxial techniques such as MOCVD, VPE, MBE GasMBE, and MOMBE for the growth of entire compositional range if III-V compound semiconductors, heterostructures, quantum wells and superlattices for quantum photonics and electronic devices (from 200 nm) ?up to 20 micron). She has made prolific and far-ranging contributions to the field. Her book, MOCVD Challenge (now in its 2nd Edition), contains some of her pioneering work in InP-GaInAsP based system (Volume 1) and GaAs-GaInAsP system (Volume2). Most recently, she is involved in research on quantum well infrared detectors, quantum cascade lasers, Sb based type I and type II infrared high power lasers and uncooled detectors; as well as GaN-GaAIN visible and UV emitters and detectors. Dr. Razeghi received the IBM Europe Science and Technology Prize (1987), 1995 Achievement Award from the Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Best Paper Award at the Photonics West Optoelectronic ’98 Symposium (1998). Dr. Razeghi was elected a Fellow of SPIE (2000) and Fellow of SWE (1995). She is the author of 16 books and the author of 28 book chapters. She is the author or co-author of more than 1000 papers and gave more than 1000 invited and plenary talks. She holds 50 patents. Professor Razeghi created the graduate and undergraduate programs in solid state engineering (SSE) in the ECE Department. She supervised more than 41 Ph.D. graduates and supervises nearly 20 Ph.D. students, Post-Docs, Visiting Researchers and Faculty.

She served as Chair and organizing committee of many international conferences; Fellow of SPIE, Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of SWE, Fellow of MRS, Fellow of APS, Fellow of OSA, Fellow of IOP, Fellow of IEC, and member of AAAS