Philip Poole

Philip Poole

Philip Poole

National Research Council of Canada 

Dr. Philip Poole is a Principle Research Officer in the Information and Communications Technology Portfolio, National Research Council Canada. Following the completion of his PhD in Solid State Physics at Imperial College, London University Dr. Poole pursued a career at the National Research Council Canada. During this time he has held many roles such as researcher, project lead, and group leader for the Epitaxy group. His work has covered many areas of III-V semiconductor research including optical spectroscopy, quantum well intermixing and 17 years of experience in CBE growth of III-V compounds. His research interests are in the areas of epitaxial growth of InP-based quantum dot structures for optoelectronic devices that can take advantage of the novel properties of quantum dots, such as multiwavelength and femtosecond modelocked lasers. These are actively being pursued with industrial partners for commercial use. More fundamental studies on the use of selective area epitaxy to control the nucleation site of individual quantum dots for quantum information purposes are also performed. In particular the growth of InP nanowires containing InAs dots with the demonstration of non-classical optical properties such as photon antibunching and entanglement. Dr. Poole is author of more than 170 scientific papers, a book chapter, and has been awarded 3 patents
