Shelley Scott

Shelley Scott

"Semiconductor Nanomembranes: Sheet Science and Technology"

Shelley Scott

Dr. Shelley Scott completed her PhD at the University of Canterbury with Associate Professor Simon Brown from the MacDiarmid Institute in 2005. Shelley was awarded the Manufacturing and Materials prize in the MacDiarmid Young Scientists Awards for 2005, as well as receiving runner-up for the overall supreme award for the same year. She worked on Snowflakes and Strange Symmetries and her nanoflower images have captured worldwide attention, winning the best AFM picture prize at the 2004 EIPBN conference and being selected for the prestigious Veeco annual SPM Calendar for 2005. Dr Scott was also selected by the Royal Society of New Zealand to attend the 55th Nobel Prize Winner’s Meeting in Lindau, Germany in 2005. She currently works with Professor Max Lagally’s materials science group at the University of Wisconsin in Madison as an Assistant Scientist after completing a FRST funded PostDoc there in 2009.