Codesquad Application Challenge

The purpose of this challenge is to try your hand at coding and get an introductory experience.  There are two parts to this challenge. You can pick one or do both! This is a great way to demonstrate your commitment to the program and secure a spot for yourself at the Code Squad Camp. We're not assessing your proficiency just that you're interested and have tried one of the tasks below!

Part 1 - Technical Challenge

For this part of the challenge, you will use to create a simple game. This could be a variation of Matching Pennies or Odds and Evens. Be sure to use puts/gets/print to interact with the user, and conditionals (unless, if/elsif/else) to create your game. 
To submit your game, please save your code in the repl editor and share the URL in your submission.

Part 2 - Theory Challenge

Investigate one of the following topics and produce a short report in the format of your choice. You can be as creative as you like with it! (Examples: short story, video
  • Early computers: what did they look like, how did they work, what were they used for?
  • Number systems: at the kick-off, we talked briefly about binary numbers and how to convert them to decimal numbers. Pick a different number system (unary, octal, hexadecimal, sexagesimal, etc.) and explain its use. 

Maximum size: approx. 1 sheet of paper or 2 minutes of media
Time commitment: please don't spend more than two hours on this project! We are not expecting perfection; just do a little research and show us what you learned.