AviOrnstein.com: a puzzle and a sample essay, Shared Idea

[Avi Ornstein’s website may have entries you will find worth viewing. Every week there is a new puzzle — along with the answer to the previous week’s puzzle — that can be used to encourage your students to exercise their minds in thinking outside the box. As an example, Avi has created a puzzle for chemistry students — below. Not all puzzles are chemistry related but all will challenge your students.

Each month Avi also posts a short essay under Shared Idea aimed at teachers and/or students. In addition, Interesting Excerpts include excerpts from books and magazines, with new entries added frequently to replace ones that are being deleted. The next page has an example of a Shared Idea (February 2016). Currently on the website under Shared Idea, Avi discusses “Hydrochloric acid” (visited March 2016).

Take a visit and see what this site has to offer you and your students.]