To celebrate International Year of the Periodic Table (IYPT 2019) our Timeline of Elements project has finally resulted in a poster. The project brings together science, art and history in a collaborative student outreach project that provides an interesting take on the classic periodic table. Students from 118 schools in 28 different countries created a hexagonal artwork based on the discovery story of each element, from hydrogen to oganesson. The artwork is arranged in chronological order of element discovery to create the Timeline of Elements poster.
Posters will be distributed:
- to all high schools in Canada with the help of Chemical Institute of Canada CIC Chemical Education Fund (CEF).
- to all schools and artists who designed elemental artwork.
- at the CIC booth at the Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (June 2019)
- at the IUPAC 2021 Exbihit booth at IUPAC 2019 in Paris (July 2019)
(IUPAC-2021 will be hosted in Montreal, Canada) - at the Chem 13 News exhibit booth at ChemEd 2019 (July 2019)
- at the University of Waterloo exhibit booth at STAO 2020 (March 2020)
- to on campus visitors to the University of Waterloo.
- at the Timeline of Elements Installation Event on campus on September 28.
If you want a poster, email us and we will send you a pdf of the final project!
In addition to the poster, 3M Canada is sponsoring the creation and installation of a 52 foot x 11 foot wall mural, (16 m x 3.4 m) which will be installed in STC (the Science Teaching Complex building) at the University of Waterloo this September.
From March to June 2019, two element tiles are being revealed each school day and posted at the reveal website and tweeted @Chem13News.
We are currently working on the accompanying website to showcase artwork with the student-written discovery stories. (NEW!! In June 2019 we launched our new website). This, along with James Marshall’s historical articles will add context to create a teaching tool for engaging students — science and non-science. Our focus will be on the artwork and the historical innovations in chemical methods, techniques and technology that led to the development of the iconic Periodic Table of the Elements. Subscribe (below) and we will make sure to email you when the website is finally completed.
Timeline of Elements Team holding up new Timeline of Element poster ready for printing in front our 2011 Periodic Table Project. From left to right: Joy Roasa, Corina McDonald, Victoria Van Cappellen, Jean Hein and Heather Neufeld
And just a little update on our Mendeleev Mosaic: we are still working on gathering, formatting and designing this part of the Timeline of Elements project. The mosaic will be added to the wall mural and be its own poster, available to download. We have received close to 300 Mendeleev images from 11 countries, all of which we plan to assemble to create the Father of the Periodic Table.