I was very surprised when I opened the November 2016 issue of Chem 13 News and flipped to pages 9 and 10. I have used Aaron Slepkov’s Message from the Mole puzzle in my classes since 1994. While giving credit to Mr. Slepkov, I had my students complete the puzzle for practice on moles, grams and some inside information involving those concepts. My students absolutely love doing the puzzle, and I like the results I see with my students becoming very adept at problems involving grams and moles. I’m not always a fan of puzzles unless they are used as a learning tool. Your magazine, which I have used my entire teaching career, has had many other teaching puzzles, and I thank you, and the Chem 13 News staff, for offering these teaching options to us. I do love Chem 13 News.
Jeff Wolfe, Hamburg Area High School, Hamburg PA