A portrait of Marie Curie's face created from the photographs of around 200 women scientists.
Cover reprinted by permission from Springer Nature, Nature Chemistry, Sex and the citadel of science (cover), Michelle Francl, 2011.
As inspiration for our mosaic here is another collaborative chemistry mosaic we found that appeared on the front cover of the 2011 September issue of Nature Chemistry (Volume 3, Issue 9). This cover was a celebration of the International Year of Chemistry and the 100th anniversary of the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Marie Curie. In this issue, Michelle Francl considers how the representation of women in science has changed since Curie's day. Michelle suggested the concept of having the Marie Mosaic created with images of female scientists. More information about the cover and this collaborative project can be found in The Sceptical Chymist blog from Nature Chemistry. blogs.nature.com/thescepticalchymist/2011/08/marie_mosaic.html.
If you look closely, the images are hexagons — like our planned Mendeleev Mosaic. Our project will have student artwork collected together to depict the Father of the Periodic Table.